Monday, June 23, 2008

Paying rent blows

"Here ya go, Matt. This is your earnings for your last two weeks of sweat and turmoil" Says Matt's Boss. "Gee Boss, thanks. I am going to go do something fun with this." Exclaims Matt, excitedly. Then what does Matt do? He bikes directly to the Rental Management Services and drops off his glorious paycheck to some lady who looks deep into Matt's sad eyes and, without flinching, takes all of his money. 

So now what does Matt have left over? He has two dollars. What does he do with those two dollars? He bikes down to Fred Meyer because gas is 4.20 a gallon (yes, I know the price of gas... you were right dad... are you happy now?!). Matt then takes his two dollars and shoves as much top ramen in his tiny backpack that is humanly possible. Now Matt gets to look forward to a month of having six packets of top ramen a day because one packet doesn't fill him up. Three meals a day plus two packets of ramen equals six packets – Yay for lame math, eh? 

But does the sorrow end there? Of course not. Matt picks up the wrapper of top ramen and sees 57% daily sodium intake per package of Top Ramen. So that makes 342% of sodium intake per day for 31 days. Thus resulting in Matt, nineteen years old, hovering over the toilet, making sounds like a walrus giving birth, trying to pass a kidney stone. And why did this all occur? Because of the damn rent. And that, my friends, is an example of a rant of mine. 

So that story was a wee bit exaggerated. In all honesty I absolutely love every little bit of it :). Sorry for the long post.

My life in a nutshell

Where to begin, eh? First off I should probably point out that I have a job (finally). Second, I should probably make a note to not start off all my blogs with "first off." Anywho, I work at a little pizza place called Sparky's right down the street from where I live. I very much enjoy it there. The people I work with are great, especially Johanna *drool*, and for a minimum wage job I couldn't ask for a more pleasant job. 

I start school tomorrow and I ventured to the Office Max downtown today and am now currently rockin' all the necessary school supplies. My high school experience was a little shaky so I am excited to actually put an effort into schooling. No 150+ unexcused absences for me this round, sadly :)

My roommates are all very fun to be around, even though they commandeer my damn room while I am at work so they can play video games on my nice television *angrily shakes fist*. There is nothing like flipping on my light when I get home to see David snoring on your bed. Matt Dudley is another roommate of mine.  He is quite silly: you can always count on him for a good laugh. Paul is... Well, paul is paul. He is an interesting fella.

Ok, I got bored of this post so I am going to call it good. I dislike trying to sum up my life.

Me no understand

First off, I have no idea what is going on in this program. Second, since I am doing this casually, you will probably notice a slow decline in my spelling and grammar and if you start to point out my typos I will have to destroy you. Finally, my past experiences with things like this shows that most of my "blogs" will just turn into big rants that don't have much relevancy to anything and won't make much sense, just a heads up. 

P.S. Warning for the fam-bam: I will probably curse... because it is funny.